Thursday, January 24, 2008

Can't we all just get along

Damn I can't believe how fucking juvenile people can be. Oh no you did something that slightly upset me even though you've been putting yourself out to help me for the last 7 months. Guess my only course of action is to kick your ass. What lack of intellectual processes must you be missing in order to jump straight to violence to make yourself feel better. I just don't get it. This isn't the fucking stone age anymore. We have written language we have art and sciences why must these I guess all I call them is cavemen resort straight to violence. I guess I'll never understand it.

Friday, January 18, 2008

I may actually have something to say.

So I am currently reading Kurt Vonnegut's book, "A Man Without A Country". And I must say I am truly impressed by it. His letters to whomever may listen is a great format for this book. He makes many astute observations about. Life, Politics, Himself, and just about anything else there is really hits home with my current situation, and it has made me realize that there aren't many people in this world worth fighting for. But the small things in life such as music and small talk make this joke keep rolling.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Rants in A Minor or is it C Major?

Nothing special about this rant, just an everyday half drunk babbling about life in general. I started school again yesterday and well It is last semester all over again. My history class is made up of everyone from my history class last semester, save one or two people. But the people who aren't reading this aren't reading this to not hear me rant about my school. They want to not read me rant about things in general. So here it goes for the people out there who are too busy Fapping it to one legged fucked up flipper babies. I give you my rant......Fuck I cant think of anything to rant about. I will however leave you with some sage like advice. Never eat tacos before going scuba diving.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Fuck punk rock

I've spent 8 years of my life following the "Punk Rock" way of life. You know kind of like an honor among thieves kind of belief. Well recently I've come to notice how full of shit this belief is. I had a good core group of friends who I thought would always be there. Then within the past few weeks I've discovered how quickly they are willing to turn on you. You make one mistake and then BOOM they are all too ready to throw you out. Well to me I find this to be complete and utter crap. Whatever happened to the beliefs of forgive and forget, and let bygones be bygones. So basically what I'm saying is Fuck punk rock It's dead. This doesn't mean I'm going to be throwing out my records or anything, I still enjoy the music, but this whole you have no family like street family is complete and utter crap.